Our vision


Improve the Tongan Lifestyle, Look after the Environment, Share our Know-how with the People


SIT wants to improve the energy and consequently the economic situation of the Tongan citizens, organizations and companies with an alternative solar source for energy, which can even generate the locally needed income.

SIT will plan, coordinate, install and manage solar energy systems for private homes, schools, hospitals and commercial buildings in Tonga.


SIT shall further develop and install solar systems for charity projects. The operation will be set up to ensure that all necessary know how is transferred to Tonga and that revenue generated from the sale of energy shall be reinvested to increase the production of solar energy. 


SIT will not compete but rather cooperate with the already existing local power production facilities. SIT is convinced that the advantage of self-consumption (i.e. lessen the burden on regional medium low voltage grids, reduction of transportation of energy, supplying energy for peak times which ensures a good correlation between payer generation and energy on demand over time, it is future oriented and gives a good reputation). 


The power produced by SIT will be cheaper, more reliable and ecologically sustainable, therefore technically as well as economically well advanced. On the one hand the energy will be for self-supply of the house and building owners and on the other the excess will be sold to Tonga Power Limited (TPL). 


In a second phase the installations will be expanded to all areas of Tonga up to a total of one or more megawatt facilities. Eventually the facilities will be financed by the energy sell-off. All installations shall be set up to qualify for a CO2-Certificate. The sale of certificates shall generate an additional source of income. If this model is successful in Tonga it will be expanded to other islands of the Pacific.